Three years after her sophomore release Golden Child (2018), Judith Hill returned in 2021 with another impressive project. Consistent with Hill’s oeuvre, Baby, I’m Hollywood! fuses R&B, rock, soul, and funk. Prince’s influence is all over the project (particularly on the romptastic ‘God Bless the Mechanic’), though Hill has repeatedly proven her assured sense of artistry. Her melodies have the power of the unexpected. The enchanting ‘Silence’, where Hill sings of feeling overwhelmed and isolated, twists beautifully at the chorus. ‘Miss Cecilia Jones’ is a quirky, strutting number about a woman stealing her unscrupulous man’s money after he runs into trouble with the feds. Sometimes Hill sticks to convention. Soul ballad ‘Give Your Love To Someone Else’ is one of the more derivative tracks, but nonetheless thrills with Hill’s impassioned performance. She also leverages her gospel influence on poignant closing track ‘Candlelight in the Dark’.